HOPI Substance Abuse Prevention Center
"We believe in honoring ourselves by living an honest, sober balanced life"
The HOPI Substance Abuse Prevention Center (HSAPC), opened its doors in November 2003. Our services are open to anyone who wants help or information about substance use or abuse. We serve Hopi, other tribes, surrounding communities and non-natives residing on Hopi.
Individuals can walk in during regular business hours and see a Mentor that is available or they can schedule a time. Individuals can also phone our office and talk with a Mentor to find support immediately. We also provide services to elderly & adolescents with signed releases from parents or guardians. Mentors work with the individual, family, or group, whether the person is an alcoholic/addict or a family member of an addicted person.
We offer a safe place to heal.
Our work grows out of our own recovery from alcoholism & drug abuse.
We are mentors committed to help heal individuals and our reservation community.
We care, counsel, educate and devote ourselves to traditional Native spiritual values.
We worked to heal ourselves. Now, we are here for you.
Mentoring is done with the emphasis on addiction and its process, its effects on self, family, spirituality and health. We also focus on relapse prevention; give support and encouragement to change. We support self-help groups of the 12 step variety, encouraging persons we work with to attend, even working the 12 steps with families and individuals.
We use videos, audio tapes, books, and/or worksheets in helping an individual find their way to healing. Presentations are made to community, service providers, tribal programs, organizations & schools. Topics may range from the disease of alcoholism, common and emerging drug trends such as methamphetamine, opioids and fentanyl, family roles in an alcoholic home, or other ways of healing.

The role of a Community Advisory Board (CAB) member is essential in serving as a liaison to the community by advising the staff of the Hopi Substance Abuse Prevention Center with respect to whether the services and activities of the program are meeting the specialized needs of the Hopi and Tewa communities served.
HOPI Substance Abuse Prevention Center
Office Hours: M-F, 8am - 5pm
Mentors are on-call 24/7
PO Box 555, Kykotsmovi, AZ 86039
Phone: (928) 734-0300, Fax: (928) 734-0305
Located on Old Domino Road in Kykotsmovi
1 mile S of Hwy264 exit at Mile Post 47
(1st Building on the left)
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HOPI is....
H - Hongvi
physical strength
O - ำฆqala
inner strength
P - Pöhtavi
positive pathway for resolve
I - Itamungem
for all mankind